Vertigo Relief, Treatment & Healing.
Dizziness, vertigo, and balance problems may arise if the sub occipital muscles become constantly tense, weak or imbalanced to the degree they send muddled or distorted information to the brain about balance, direction or where the body is in space (called proprioceptive feedback). A misalignment of the atlas can also affect proprioception causing dizziness and vertigo.
Chaos in the brain
If the brain is reacting in a chaotic fashion, this can lead to dizziness, vertigo and balance problems and also a host of other issues such as eye movement disorders, head tilt, difficulty reading, or difficulty paying attention (ADD).
Decrease ear function due to the incorrect position of the atlas can cause changes in the soft tissue which can lead to decreased or inhibited ear function. This can cause a lesion to form on the eustachian tube that affects excess drainage and can cause conditions such as Meniere’s Disease.
Possible causes
If the dizziness or vertigo is related to ear issues, the atlas out of position can affect the Eustachian tubes which are supposed to drain excess fluid away from the ears. Excess fluid can lead to vertigo, dizziness, hearing problems, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Another cause of dizziness or vertigo can be from compression of the vertebral artery from the atlas out of position. This can cause decrease oxygenated blood flow to the brain which can also cause dizziness, vertigo, loss of coordination, confusion, fainting, and visual disturbances.
A new approach
AtlasPROfilax can reset the sub occipital muscles and can help the atlas into its optimal position with a safe three minute treatment.
Call 888-822-8678 for more information about AtlasPROfilax or to schedule a free consultation.